Regional Facilitator, Southern Africa Telecentre Network
Dean Mulozi has over 20 years of work experience in rural donor aided development and micro projects worldwide. He is currently the Regional Facilitator of the Southern Africa Telecentre Network (SATNET), a regional ICT non- profit organization whose objective is to support policy advocacy and facilitate service delivery through the use of ICTs in community and national development. He served in various Africa ICT organizations and networks. SATNET is currently serving as a member of the Africa Union Economic, Social and Cultural Council (AU-ECOSOCC) for second term until 2022, and Dean served as a Credential Committee member for four years for ECOSOCC.
Previous, Dean worked with the government of the Islamic Republic of Maldives and UNV/UNDP under the Atoll/Island Development Programme in South East Asia. His early years’ work included working in the rural agriculture microfinance environment.
Dean studied at the University of Wisconsin, University Center for Cooperatives, Madison USA; Agriculture and Cooperative Management and Project Management at the Mananga Agriculture Management Centre in Eswatine and Zambia Institute of Mass Communications.